MS Cyber Security

The MS (Cyber Security) program is of 2-years duration offered in the evening. It requires 33 credit hours, including 4 core courses (4 x 3 Credits) and 5 elective courses (5 x 3 Credits). To earn MS (Cyber Security) degree, the student has to complete a thesis (2 x 3 Credits). The maximum time limit to complete the MS (Cyber Security) degree is 4 years.

First Semester

NSC 5164 Applied Cryptography
NSC 5163 Network Security
NSC 5162 Information Security

Second Semester

CCS xxxx Digital Forensics
CCS xxxx Elective-I
CCS xxxx Elective-II

Third Semester

CCS xxxx Elective-III
CCS xxxx Elective-IV
CCS xxxx Thesis (Part-1)

Fourth Semester 

CCS xxxx Elective-V
CCS xxxx Thesis (Part-II)
Course typeMin No. of CoursesMin No. of Credit Hours
Core Courses4 x 312
Electives5 x 315
Thesis2 x 306

Core Course

Core Courses(4×3=12)Credit HoursPre-Requisite (s)
NSC 5163Network Security3(3,0)
NSC 5162Information Security3(3,0)
CSC xxxxDigital Forensics3(3,0)
NSC 5164Applied Cryptography3(3,0)

MS Thesis

MS Thesis(2×3=6)Credit HoursPre-Requisite (s)
CCS xxxxMS Thesis I (Mandatory)3(3,0)
CCS xxxxMS Thesis  II (Mandatory)3(3,0)

Deficiency Courses

Deficiency Courses
Programming Fundamentals (Core Programming Course)
Data Structures & Algorithms OR Design & Analysis of Algorithms
Computer Networks

Elective Course

CCS xxxNetwork Penetration Testing and Countermeasures
CCS xxxSecurity in Mobile and Wireless Networks
CCS xxxEthical Hacking
CCS xxxMalware Detection and Analysis
CCS xxxBlockchain and Crypto Assets
CCS xxxIntrusion Detection and Firewalls
CCS xxxReverse Engineering and Malware Analysis
CCS xxxSecurity and Privacy for the Smart Grid
CCS xxxMachine Learning for Cyber Security
CCS xxxSecurity Modelling and Analysis of Mobile Agent Systems
CCS xxxSecurity in Ad Hoc Sensor Networks
CCS xxxSecurity in Cloud Environment
CCS xxxAdvanced Topic in Cyber Security – I
CCS xxxAdvanced Topic in Cyber Security – II