Details & Semester Outlines for BE Mechatronic

Vision Statement:
To be a leading educational Mechatronics program with emphasis on hands-on training, industrial partnerships and entrepreneurial research activities.

Mission Statement:
Our goal is to prepare graduates for successful engineering and professional careers and leadership roles with lifelong learning and ethical conduct that will lead them to be engaged good citizens, engineers, and professionals in their community and the world.

Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics)

SZABIST offers a four-year (eight semesters) BE (Mechatronics) degree program, which is accredited by Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC). This program has also received 7-Stars i.e., World Class rating by Chartered Inspection & Evaluation Committee (CIEC) Sindh. SZABIST is pioneer University to offer this program at undergraduate level in the province of Sindh. The program is essentially a day-time program and consists of 53 courses with a total of 139 credit hours (all electives and certain courses may be offered in the evening). The program is supported through well-equipped state-of-the-art laboratories. Internship opportunities are provided which is essential as a part of degree requirement. The maximum time limit to complete the BEME degree program is seven years.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
Upon completion of their degree, the SZABIST BE (Mechatronics) graduates will:

PEO 1: Be competent mechatronic engineers who are knowledgeable, skillful and able to solve emerging problems within their organization and society at large.
PEO 2: Have inclination towards research and lifelong learning and be able to promote entrepreneurial ideas.
PEO 3: Be effective engineers with leadership qualities and high morals & professional ethics.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
Program learning outcomes for BE Mechatronic Engineering are as follows:

  • Engineering Knowledge
  • Problem Analysis
  • Design/Development of Solutions
  • Investigation
  • Modern Tool Usage
  • The Engineer and the World
  • Ethics
  • Individual and Collaborative Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Project Management and Finance
  • Lifelong Learning

BE (Mechatronics) Roadmap

First Year – Semester 1 (Fall Semester)

S. No.SubjectTheory     Credit HrsLab           Credit HrsTotal           Credit HrsPre-requisites
(Theory Contact Hrs)(Lab      Contact Hrs)(Total Contact Hrs)
1ME1101 Communication & Presentation Skills3 (3)0 (0)3 (3)None
2ME1111  Electric Circuits2 (2)1 (3)3 (5)None
3ME1109 Eng. Drawing – I0 (0)2 (6)2 (6)None
4ME 1104 Engineering Mathematics – I : Calculus & Analytical Geometry3 (3)0 (0)3 (3)None
5ME1106  Islamic Studies / ME1xxx Humanities2 (2)0 (0)2 (2)None
6ME1203  Engineering Physics2 (2)1 (3)3 (5)None
7ME1209  Computer Programming0 (0)2 (6)2 (6)None
 Total12 (12)6 (18)18 (30) 
7Cumulative Total12618 
(Credit Hrs)

First Year – Semester 2 (Spring Semester)

S. No.SubjectTheory Credit Hrs (Theory Contact Hrs)Lab Credit HrsTotal Credit HrsPre-requisites
(Lab Contact Hrs)(Total Contact Hrs)
1ME1201  Electronic Devices & Circuits3 (3)1 (3)4 (6)ME1111  Electric Circuits
2ME1202  Eng Maths – II : Ordinary Differential Equations & Linear Algebra3 (3)0 (0)3 (3)ME 1104 Engineering Mathematics – I : Calculus & Analytical Geometry
3ME2306 Pakistan Studies2 (2)0 (0)2 (2)None
4ME1204  Engineering Statics3 (3)0 (0)3 (3)None
5ME1207  Engineering Workshop0 (0)1 (3)1 (3)None
6ME1208 Materials and Manufacturing Processes2 (2)0 (0)2 (2)None
7ME2312 Data Structures &  Object Oriented Programming0 (0)2 (6)2 (6)ME1209  Computer Programming
8ME1xxx Occupational Health and Safety1 (1)0 (0)1 (1)None
9ME1110 Teachings of Holy QuranNon-Credited Course for Muslim StudentsNone
 Total14 (14)4 (12)18 (26) 
16Cumulative Total261036 
(Credit Hrs)

Second Year – Semester 3 (Fall Semester)

S. No.SubjectTheory Credit Hrs (Theory Contact Hrs)Lab Credit HrsTotal Credit HrsPre-requisites
(Lab Contact Hrs)(Total Contact Hrs)
1ME1211  Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan2 (2)0 (0)2 (2)None
2ME2302  Digital Logic Design2 (2)1 (3)3 (5)None
3ME2303  Engineering Dynamics3 (3)0 (0)3 (3)ME1204  Engineering Statics
4ME2304  Engineering Mathematics – III: 3D Geometry & Vector Calculus3 (3)0 (0)3 (3)ME 1104 Engineering Mathematics – I : Calculus & Analytical Geometry
5ME2311  Network Analysis2 (2)0 (0)2 (2)ME1111  Electric Circuits
6ME2309 Eng. Drawing – II0 (0)1 (3)1 (3)ME1109 Eng. Drawing – I
7ME2xxx Fundamentals of Thermal Sciences3 (3)1 (3)4 (6)ME1203  Engineering Physics
 Total15 (15)3 (9)18 (24) 
23Cumulative Total411354 
(Credit Hrs)

Second Year – Semester 4 (Spring Semester)

S. No.SubjectTheory Credit Hrs (Theory Contact Hrs)Lab Credit HrsTotal Credit HrsPre-requisites
(Lab Contact Hrs)(Total Contact Hrs)
1ME2401  Electronics Circuit Design3 (3)1 (3)4 (6)ME1201  Electronic Devices & Circuits
2ME2407 Actuating Systems3 (3)1 (3)4 (6)ME2311  Network Analysis
3ME2403 Engineering Mathematics – IV3 (3)0 (0)3 (3)ME1202  Eng Maths – II : Ordinary Differential Equations & Linear Algebra
Transformation Techniques
4ME2xxx  Fluid Mechanics2 (2)1 (3)3 (5)ME2xxx Fundamentals of Thermal Sciences
5ME2406  Strength of Materials2 (2)1 (3)3 (5)ME1204  Engineering Statics
6ME3601 Solid Modeling0 (0)1 (3)1 (3)ME2309 Eng. Drawing – II
 Total13 (13)5 (15)18 (28) 
29Cumulative Total541872 
(Credit Hrs)

Third Year – Semester 5 (Fall Semester)

S. No.SubjectTheory Credit HrsLab Credit HrsTotal Credit HrsPre-requisites
(Theory Contact Hrs)(Lab Contact Hrs)(Total Contact Hrs)
1ME3501 Engineering Mathematics – V2 (2)0 (0)2 (2)ME1202  Eng Maths – II : Ordinary Differential Equations & Linear Algebra
Numerical Methods
2ME2408 Signals and Systems2 (2)0 (0)2 (2)None
3ME3xxx  Artificial Intelligence in Engineering2 (2)1 (3)3 (5)ME2312 Data Structures &  Object Oriented Programming
4ME3509  Microprocessor andMicrocontroller Based Systems2 (2)1 (3)3 (5)ME1209  Computer Programming & ME2302  Digital Logic Design
5ME3508  Instrumentation and Measurements3 (3)1 (3)4 (6)ME2407 Actuating Systems
6ME3507  Theory ofMachines2 (2)1 (3)3 (5)ME2303  Engineering Dynamics
 Total13 (13)4 (12)17 (25) 
35Cumulative Total672289 
(Credit Hrs)

Third Year – Semester 6 (Spring Semester)

S. No.SubjectTheory Credit HrsLab Credit HrsTotal Credit Hrs (Total Contact Hrs)Pre-requisites
(Theory Contact Hrs)(Lab Contact Hrs)
1ME3602 Control Systems3 (3)1 (3)4 (6)None
2ME3603 Engineering Mathematics – VI:2 (2)0 (0)2 (2)ME 1104 Engineering Mathematics – I : Calculus & Analytical Geometry
Probability & Statistics
3ME3604 Machine Design3 (3)0 (0)3 (3)ME2406  Strength of Materials
4ME4xxx  Engineering Elective – I2 (2)1 (3)3 (5)Depends upon Elective
5ME4705  Mechatronics System Design3 (3)1 (3)4 (6)ME2407 Actuating Systems
6ME2310 Community Service1 (1)1 (1)2 (2)None
 Internship (6-8 Weeks)0 (0)0 (0)0 (0) 
 Total14 (14)4 (10)18 (24) 
41Cumulative Total8126107 
(Credit Hrs)

Fourth Year – Semester 7 (Fall Semester)

S. No.SubjectTheory Credit HrsLab Credit HrsTotal Credit HrsPre-requisites 
(Theory Contact Hrs)(Lab Contact Hrs)(Total Contact Hrs) 
1ME4xxx  Engineering Elective – II3 (3)0 (0)3 (3)Depends upon Elective 
2ME3608 Technopreneurship2 (2)0 (0)2 (2)None 
3ME4802  Robotics3 (3)1 (3)4 (6)ME2303  Engineering Dynamics 
4ME1205 Technical Writing Skills3 (3)0 (0)3 (3)None 
5ME4709  Final Design Project – I *0 (0)3 (3)3 (3)None 
6ME2xxx Social Sciences Elective2 (2)0 (0)2 (2)Depends upon Elective 
7ME4711 Finite Element Analysis0 (0)1 (3)1 (3)ME3601 Solid Modeling 
 Total13 (13)5 (9)18 (22)  
48Cumulative Total9431125  
(Credit Hrs) 
*To be continued and final grades will be awarded at the conclusion of 8th Semester.

Fourth Year – Semester 8 (Spring Semester)
S. No.SubjectTheory Credit HrsLab Credit HrsTotal Credit HrsPre-requisites
(Theory Contact Hrs)(Lab Contact Hrs)(Total Contact Hrs)
1ME4807  Manufacturing Automation2 (2)1 (3)3 (5)ME3509  Microprocessor and Microcontroller Based Systems
2ME4xxx  Engineering Elective – III3 (3)0 (0)3 (3)Depends upon Elective 
3ME4xxx Project Management3 (3)0 (0)3 (3)None 
4ME4809  Final Design Project – II *0 (0)3  (3)3 (3)ME4709  Final Design Project – I * 
5ME4xxx Arts and Humanities Elective2 (2)0 (0)2 (2)None 
 Total10 (10)4 (6)14 (16)  
53Cumulative Total10435139  
(Credit Hrs) 
*To be continued from 7th semester and final grades will be awarded at the conclusion of 8th Semester.


Engineering Electives

ME 4722 Digital Signal Processing
ME 4828 Modeling and Simulation
ME 4821 Digital Image Processing
ME 4727 Digital Control Systems
ME 4826 Embedded Systems
ME 4827 Applied Thermodynamics
ME 4729 Mechanical Vibrations
ME 4834 Machine Learning
ME 4734 Sensors and Sensing Technologies

Management Sciences Electives

ME 4823 Engineering Management
ME 4724 Entrepreneurship
ME 4728 Total Quality Management (TQM)
ME 4725 Leadership and Motivation Techniques
ME 4731 Supply Chain Management

Social Sciences Electives

ME 2355 Organizational Behavior
ME 2354 Sociology
ME 2353 Psychology
ME 2351 Foreign Languages

Elective courses are offered subject to the availability of the required expertise & resources.

A remedial/deficiency course of ME1120 Chemistry Fundamentals or ME1121 Fundamentals of Engineering Mathematics will be offered to the students in the first semester who have not taken Mathematics or Chemistry at Intermediate/ A-Level, as identified by the relevant PM/HOD.

All students are required to register for full load in the first semester.

Teachings of Holy Quran Course

As per HEC guidelines, a non-credited course on ME 1110 Teachings of Holy Quran (1.5, 0) will be offered during the degree program. This course aims to impart knowledge about the teachings of the Holy Quran to students, helping them understand its teachings to become practicing Muslims. It is a mandatory course for all Muslim undergraduate students. For non-Muslim Students, the course will be shown on the transcript as “Exempted.”


The internship is scheduled for summer at the end of the third year. After the completion of the 6-week internship, all students are required to submit a comprehensive report giving details of their experience and learning.