SZABIST International Conference 2024 – Day 02

Day 02 of SZABIST International Conference 2024 with the theme of ‘Disruption to Innovation: Empowered Change via Sustainability’

On 20th April 2024, day two of the conference delivered insightful discussions on driving sustainable change, building resilient healthcare systems, and leveraging public-private partnerships for education development.

The event concluded with a closing ceremony featuring distinguished guests including Prof. Dr. Mujeebuddin Sahrai Memon, Mr. Saeed Uddin Khan, Prof. Dr. Macario G. Gayeta, Mr. Muhammad Idrees, and Chief Guest Dr. Ishrat Hussain, who delivered the closing address.

President Shahnaz Wazir Ali presided over the closing ceremony and gave the closing remarks, followed by the distribution of mementos and the group picture session, marking the successful conclusion of this impactful conference.